The Mohammed VI Foundation for the Reintegration of Prison Inmates

Reintegrating prison inmates in Morocco
Belmahi Azzeddine
Member of the UNESCO Chair Science Committee


The establishment of the Mohammed VI Foundation for the Reintegration of Prison Inmates is part of the current strengthening of the rule of law and consolidation of national institutions that have made significant progress in Morocco since the 90s.

The Moroccan Constitution, adopted on July 1, 2011, supports this commitment to protect the rights of prison inmates by the terms of Section 23, which states:

“No one shall be arrested, detained, prosecuted or convicted unless it is under the circumstances and in the manner provided by law. Arbitrary and secret detention and enforced disappearance are crimes of the utmost gravity and their perpetrators shall be exposed to the most severe punishments. Any person being detained shall be informed immediately, in a way that they can understand, of the reasons for their detention and of their rights, including the right to remain silent. They must obtain legal assistance, at the earliest possible time, and have the possibility of communicating with their relatives, in accordance with the law.

The presumption of innocence and the right to a fair trial are guaranteed. A person in detention shall have the benefit of fundamental rights and of humane conditions of detention. They can benefit from training and reintegration programs. Any incitement to racism, hatred or violence is prohibited. Genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and any serious and systematic violation of human rights is punishable by law. ”

The Socio-professional Reintegration Program for Prison Inmates

The Socio-professional Reintegration Program for Prison Inmates is the result of a commitment by the national authorities, and, even more so, the result of a royal commitment, to reform the penitentiary system.

 “… The special care that We have given to the social dimension in the field of justice would not be complete if We did not guarantee that the human dignity of detained citizens is preserved. It is however not being denied to them by the sole effect of a legal decision to deprive them of their freedom…

… in addition to the proposed reform that includes prison legislation and an ambitious action program which We are overseeing through the implementation of the Mohammed VI Foundation for the Reintegration of Residents of Penitentiary Institutions, We gave our instructions to… ensure that the material and moral conditions of prisoners are improved.”

Extracted from the royal speech given on January 29, 2003 on the occasion of the opening of the judicial year.

This commitment is also evidenced by His Majesty the King chairing the Foundation’s Board of Directors and closely following its programs and achievements.[1]

The key elements of the reform are:

  1. Creation of a financially and legally independent General Delegation of Prison Administration and Reintegration
  2. Creation of the National Council for Human Rights (CNDH)
  3. Creation of the Observatory of Children’s Rights (ODE)
  4. Establishment of the “Equity and Reconciliation” Commission (IER)
  5. Establishment of the National Initiative for Human Development (NIHD)
  6. Establishment of DIWANE AL MADHALIM (institution for grievances), the Mediator Institution
  7. Formalization of the constitutional rights of prisoners (Sections 20 and 23) – 2011


The Socio-professional Reintegration Program for Prison Inmates integrates several components that are related to education and vocational training. Sports, cultural and religious activities with educational purposes, the strengthening of family and social relationships in the outside world, medical care, the improvement of living conditions are all components that contribute to preparing an inmate for an easier reentry into the economic and social fabric.

A partnership approach was adopted by the Foundation for the implementation of this program in the correctional institutions. Partnership agreements have been signed with the Government departments in charge of education and with the institutions that provide such services. Thus, education is taken in charge by the Ministry of National Education, and the Penal Institution’s school is under the regional academy’s oversight. All levels of training are provided, from basic literacy training to university courses. Training is provided by the State instrument in this field, namely the Office of Vocational Training and Employment Promotion (OFPPT). The same applies to all activities. Each action is carried out by the professional who has the required skills. Thus, sporting and cultural activities are taken in charge by the Ministry of Youth and Sports and by the Ministry of Culture, respectively.

The Foundation has been instrumental in bringing together the various actors involved, each one contributing according to their competence.

The Foundation has put in place a series of measures for the socio-professional reintegration of inmates that are divided into two services, one being internal while the other is external.


The Reintegration Preparation Service (SPR) (internal)

The Reintegration Preparation Service (SPR) takes the inmate in charge at the start of detention, providing him with stability and information. It creates a trusting relationship with him and puts forward the valuable gains that he can make during detention. The Service supports the inmate as he carries out a personal project during detention. This project focuses on four axes: * family * administrative and judicial * health * training and education.

Prior to his release, an assessment of his progress is made, so as to raise the beneficiary’s awareness of what he has gained and of the tools that are available to him. He is then introduced to the second service that will take over after his release.


The Post-Release Support Centre (CAPC) (external).

The Post-Release Support Centre (CAPC) is located away from the prison and takes over after the inmate has been released, so as to accompany him through a reentry project that is also based on four axes, but in which the training and education axis is replaced by the labour market.

After a first stage of social reintegration, the former inmate reenters the workplace by being hired by a corporate citizen, or by carrying out a micro project for self-employment.

For this purpose, partnership agreements have been signed with the General Confederation of Moroccan Enterprises (CGEM) to raise awareness in the business community, with the National Agency for the Promotion of Employment and Skills (ANAPEC) for job search training and with the Fondation Banque Populaire pour le Microcrédit for microproject financing. Partnership agreements have also been signed with representatives of the civil society to follow up on actions under their jurisdiction.

The Foundation’s slogan illustrates the plurality of the actions of the various stakeholders:

“Their Reintegration Depends on Us”


[1] As of this day, the sovereign has made 44 visits to prisons in order to enquire about the program’s progress and the living conditions of inmates.