Steering Committee
The steering committee is the Chair’s authority on strategic direction, validation and arbitration.
Its role is to:
- ensure, with the Chair holder, the Chair’s representation within UNESCO;- adopt the Chair’s charter;
- approve the action plan, working lines and annual reports;
- ensure the sound financial management of the Chair;
- guarantee compliance with the agreement signed between UNESCO and CEGEP Marie-Victorin;
- contribute to the Chair’s influence.
The committee meets when convened by its chairperson, at least twice a year: one meeting is spent planning the year to come while the other is spent reviewing the report on the previous year.
Committee members have a renewable three-year mandate.
Steering Committee Chairperson – Nicole Rouillier
Acting as general director, the chairperson, in conjunction with the other members, assumes all Steering Committee responsibilities and must:
- act as the link between the Chair and CEGEP Marie-Victorin’s governance;
- represent the Chair in the political arena;
- lead committee meetings and maintain regular contact with the Chair holder in order to immediately receive information about any extraordinary situation requiring a special committee meeting.
The Steering Committee members are:
- Sylvain Mandeville, Chairperson, director general, Cégep Marie-Victorin
Curriculum vitae – Sylvain Mandeville
Acting as general director, the chairperson, in conjunction with the other members, assumes all Steering Committee responsibilities and must:
- act as the link between the Chair and CEGEP Marie-Victorin’s governance;
- represent the Chair in the political arena;
- lead committee meetings and maintain regular contact with the Chair holder in order to immediately receive information about any extraordinary situation requiring a special committee meeting.
Paul Bélanger, Chairperson of the Science Committee
- Johanne Beausoleil, interim director general of the Sûreté du Québec
Geneviève Perreault, Chairholder, UNESCO Chair in Applied Research for Education in Prison
Line Fortin, Deputy minister associate at ministère de la Sécurité Publique du Québec
Bernard Chéné, coordinator, Division de la recherche, de la reddition de compte et de l’évaluation de programmes, ministère de la Sécurité publique du Québec
Alessandria Page, Deputy commissionner, Quebec Region, Correctional Services of Canada
Emmanuel Rutsimbo, interim director, Reintegration Programs Division, Correctional Services of Canada
Luc Barsalou, retired professor, Cégep Marie-Victorin