Steering Committee

The steering committee is the Chair’s authority on strategic direction, validation and arbitration.

Its role is to:

  • ensure, with the Chair holder, the Chair’s representation within UNESCO;- adopt the Chair’s charter;
  • approve the action plan, working lines and annual reports;
  • ensure the sound financial management of the Chair;
  • guarantee compliance with the agreement signed between UNESCO and CEGEP Marie-Victorin;
  • contribute to the Chair’s influence.

The committee meets when convened by its chairperson, at least twice a year: one meeting is spent planning the year to come while the other is spent reviewing the report on the previous year.

Committee members have a renewable three-year mandate.

Steering Committee Chairperson – Nicole Rouillier

Acting as general director, the chairperson, in conjunction with the other members, assumes all Steering Committee responsibilities and must:

  • act as the link between the Chair and CEGEP Marie-Victorin’s governance;
  • represent the Chair in the political arena;
  • lead committee meetings and maintain regular contact with the Chair holder in order to immediately receive information about any extraordinary situation requiring a special committee meeting.

The Steering Committee members are:


  • Sylvain Mandeville, Chairperson, director general, Cégep Marie-Victorin








Curriculum vitae – Sylvain Mandeville

Acting as general director, the chairperson, in conjunction with the other members, assumes all Steering Committee responsibilities and must:

  • act as the link between the Chair and CEGEP Marie-Victorin’s governance;
  • represent the Chair in the political arena;
  • lead committee meetings and maintain regular contact with the Chair holder in order to immediately receive information about any extraordinary situation requiring a special committee meeting.
  • Paul Bélanger, Chairperson of the Science Committee






  • Johanne Beausoleil, interim director general of the Sûreté du Québec









  • Geneviève Perreault, Chairholder, UNESCO Chair in Applied Research for Education in Prison

  • Line Fortin, Deputy minister associate at ministère de la Sécurité Publique du Québec

  • Bernard Chéné, coordinator, Division de la recherche, de la reddition de compte et de l’évaluation de programmes, ministère de la Sécurité publique du Québec

  • Alessandria Page, Deputy commissionner, Quebec Region, Correctional Services of Canada

  • Emmanuel Rutsimbo, interim director, Reintegration Programs Division, Correctional Services of Canada

  • Luc Barsalou, retired professor, Cégep Marie-Victorin