Science Committee
The science committee is the Chair’s consultative authority; its members are
Canadian and foreign researchers, professors, consultants and practitioners involved
in applied research in the field of correctional education. This committee helps the
Steering Committee attain the Chair’s objectives.
Its role is to:
- suggest directions for research and training activities;
- advise and make recommendations;
- participate in the development of the documentation centre;
- contribute to the Chair’s influence in national and international networks.
At the Chair holder’s request, this committee meets (virtually or physically) as need be, upon being convened by its chairperson.
Committee members have a renewable three-year mandate.
Chairperson of the Science Committee – Paul Bélanger, Ph D (Canada)
Professor in UQAM’s Faculty of education and director of CIRDEP, the university’s centre for interdisciplinary research on continuing education.
The chairperson, in conjunction with the other members, assumes all Science
Committee responsibilities and must:
- lead committee meetings;
- maintain regular contact with the Chair holder in order to immediately receive information about any extraordinary situation requiring a special committee meeting.
- approve the strategic direction, action plan, working lines and annual reports.
Former director of the Institut canadien d’éducation des adultes (1972-1984) and the Institut de recherche appliquée sur le travail (1988-1989), Paul Bélanger was director of the UNESCO Institute for Education in Hamburg from 1989 to 2000. Since then, he has been a professor on the Education Faculty at the Université du Québec à Montréal and director of CIRDEP, the university’s centre for interdisciplinary research on continuing education.
Paul Bélanger earned a doctorate from the Sorbonne in 1976 and received an honorary doctorate from the University of Surrey (England) in 1998. That same year, he won the Coemius Medal from IESVA, the International and European Symposium on Voluntary Associations, which was held in Budapest.
M. Brian A. Grant, Ph D (Canada)
Director general, Research Branch, Correctionnal Service Canada
Curriculum vitae – Brian A. Grant
Mme Geneviève Perreault (Canada)
Masters and doctoral course work in sociology, University of Quebec at Montreal (Canada), Professor of Sociology, Cégep Marie-Victorin. Researcher, UNESCO Chair in Applied Research for prison education.
M. Robert Hill, Ph D (United States of America)
The University of Georgia, Department of Lifelong Education and Policy
Curriculum vitae – Robert Hill
M. Stephen J. Steurer, Ph D (United States of America)
Executive Director, Correctional Education Association (CEA)
Curriculum vitae – Stephen Joseph Steurer
M. Hugo Rangel, Ph D (Mexico)
Post-doctoral researcher and member of Consultative council of the Universidad Autonoma de la Ciudad de Mexico
Curriculum vitae – Hugo Rangel T.
M. Sergio Haddad (Brazil)
Coordinator General, ACAO Educativa
Curriculum vitae – Sergio Haddad
M. Francisco José Scarfo (Argentine)
Président, G.E.S.E.C. Grupo de Estudio Sobre Educacion en Carceles, facultad de trabajo Social, UNLP, Prov. de Buenos Aires.
Curriculum vitae – Francisco José Scarfo
M. Alan Tuckett (United Kingdom)
Director, National Institute of Adult Education (NIACE), President, Internation Council of Adult Education (ICAE)
M. Joseph Giordmaina (Malta)
Lecturer at the University of Malta and is responsible for Malta branch of the European Association of Prison Education (EPEA-Malta Branch)
Curriculum vitae – Joseph Giordmaina
M. Azzeddine Belmahi (Morocco)
Coordinator and member of the Board of Directors of the Mohammed VI Foundation for the Reintegration of Prisoners
Curriculum vitae_Azzeddine_Belmahi.docx
M. Oumar Ndongo, Ph D (Sénégal)
Université Cheikh Anta Diop, Secrétaire général du forum des organisations de la société civile de l’Afrique de l’ouest (FOSCAO)
Mme Shirley Walters, Ph D (Républic of South Africa)
Director, Division for Lifelong Learning, University of the Western cape
Curriculum vitae – Shirley Walters
Monsieur Joe Graffam, Ph D (Australia)
Provice-chancelier, Deputy Dean of the Faculty and Head of the School of Psychology, The Deakin University
Researcher on the executive of the Australasian Correctional Education Association (ACEA)
Curriculum vitae – Prof J Graffam
Other membres will join the scientific comitee very soon.