The UNESCO Chair of Applied Research on Education in Prison, in collaboration with the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning and the Institut de Coopération pour l’Éducation aux Adultes (ICEA), are pleased to invite you to a Webinar Series about education in prison.
Please find below the program for the whole Series as well as more information on the first Webinar to be held on April 28 2021, from 10h to 11h30 (Eastern Standard Timezone – EST).
Program of the fourth webinar:
Community Art and Our Strong Skills (in french with english and spanish interpretation)
(Programa en español – La presentación es en francés con interpretación al español. )
28 APRIL 2021, 10h- 11h30 (Eastern Daylight Time – EDT)
To register (free):
A complete recording of the webinar as well as the slides used by presenter will be available shortly.