
Participation of the UNESCO Chair in the IX ICAE World Assembly (International Council for Adult Education) from June 11 to 14, 2015

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The Université de Montréal will host the World Assembly of Adult Education by the International Council for Adult Education (ICAE) from June 11 to 14, 2015; the Canadian Commission for UNESCO is a supporter of the World Assembly. For the occasion, the UNESCO Chair is organizing a workshop on the theme Education in Prison. The Assembly, which takes place every four years, is an important opportunity to share information about and exchange ideas on the practices and issues pertaining to adult education with players from around the world.

The UNESCO Chair in Applied Research for Education in Prison will organize a workshop in the afternoon of June 12th on the theme Education in Prison. Moreover, thanks to the moral and financial support of the Canadian Commission for UNESCO, we will invite scientific researchers and practitioners from developing countries to participate in the World Assembly on the theme Education in Prison. Their expertise will contribute tangibly to the ideas on this theme at the Assembly.

Organized in collaboration with the Institute for Cooperation on Adult Education (Institut de coopération pour l’éducation des adultes), the World Assembly’s main theme is Global Commitments, Local Practices – Adult learning and education to create the world we want. This event will include civil society organizations from everywhere in the world. Participants are invited to exchange ideas on the following themes: the right to education and lifelong learning for all, beyond 2015; capacity building for advocacy; the role of adult learning and education for sustainable development; adult learning and education, power relations, and community commitment; and quality inclusive education for all.

The International Council for Adult Education (ICAE) is a global network of civil society organizations that promotes education and lifelong learning. It consists of non-governmental organizations; citizens associations; regional, national, and sectional networks; as well as people from more than 75 countries. It benefits from its group status associated with UNESCO and also from its status as consultant for the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). As Mr. Alan Tuckett, president of the ICAE, underlines, “The World Assembly celebrates the importance of adult education in the construction of just and equitable societies.”