Nouvelles de la CEA – États-Unis d’Amérique

L’Association d’éducation correctionnelle (Correctional Education Association (CEA-USA) par le biais de son Directeur Exécutif, Monsieur Stephen J. Steurer,  nous transmet de l’information concernant diverses recherches portant sur le thème de l’éducation en milieu correctionnel.

Il nous fait plaisir d’ajouter ces quelques recherches à notre centre de référence et d’en réalisation la diffusion et nous remercions vivement la CEA pour cette initiative.

Pour obtenir davantage d’information sur ces recherches visitez la section recherche du site web de la CEA :

Vous y trouverez notamment les documents suivants :

Brazzell, D., Crayton, A., Mukamal, D. A., Solomon, A. L. & Lindahl, N. (2009). From the Classroom to the Community. Exploring the Role of Education during Incarceration and Reentry. The Urban Institute.

Gaes, G. G. (2008, february). The Impact of Prison Education Programs on Post-Release Outcomes. Reentry Roundtable on Education, March 31 and April 1, 2008, Prisoner Reentry Institute, John Jay College of Criminal Justice.

Lichtenberger, E. & Ogle, T. (2008, april). Utilizing Post-Release Outcome Information To Measure the Effectiveness of Correctional Education Programs. United States Department of Education Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools.

Crayton, A. & Neusteter, R. S. (2008, april). The Current State of Correctional Education. Reentry Roundtable on Education, March 31 and April 1, 2008, Prisoner Reentry Institute, John Jay College of Criminal Justice.

MacKenzie, D. L. (2008, february 26). Structure and Components of Successful Educational Programs. Reentry Roundtable on Education, March 31 and April 1, 2008, Prisoner Reentry Institute, John Jay College of Criminal Justice.

Borden, C. & Richardson, P. (2008, april). The Effective Use of Technology in Correctional Education.
Reentry Roundtable on Education, March 31 and April 1, 2008, Prisoner Reentry Institute, John Jay College of Criminal Justice.

Leone, P. E., Wilson, M. & Krezmien M. P. (2008, april). Understanding and Responding to the Education Needs of Special Populations in Adult CorrectionsReentry Roundtable on Education, March 31 and April 1, 2008, Prisoner Reentry Institute, John Jay College of Criminal Justice.

Rosa Cho, R. & Tyler J. H. (2008, april). Prison-based Adult Basic Education (ABE) and Post-release Labor Market Outcomes. Reentry Roundtable on Education, March 31 and April 1, 2008, Prisoner Reentry Institute, John Jay College of Criminal Justice.

Contardo, J. & Tolbert, M. (2008, april). Prison Postsecondary Education: Bridging Learning from Incarceration to the Community. Reentry Roundtable on Education, March 31 and April 1, 2008, Prisoner Reentry Institute, John Jay College of Criminal Justice.

Bazos, A. & Hausman, J. (2004, march). Education as a crime control. UCLA School of Public Policy and Social Research Department of Policy Studies.

Correctional Education Association (CEA) & Management & Training Corporation Institute (MTCI). (2003, february). Education Reduces Crime, Three-State Recidivism Study – Executive Summary.

Steurer, S. J., Smith, L. & Tracy, A.  (2001, september). Three State Recidivism Study Office of Correctional Education United State Department of Education (OCE) & Correctional Education Association (CEA).

Note sur la CEA :

L’Association d’éducation correctionnelle (CEA), fondée en 1945, est un organisme a but non lucratif, au service des éducateurs et des administrateurs qui fournissent des services aux étudiants dans les établissements correctionnels. La CEA est le plus important organisme affilié de l' »American Correctional Association ».