Testimonies On Education In Prison Experiences “Teachers – Instructors – Students, Male And Female”

The UNESCO Chair in Applied Research for Education in Prison is producing a newsletter devoted exclusively to testimonies of experiences of education in prison for teachers and students participating or who have participated in educational programs in prison in Quebec, Canada, and elsewhere in the world. We hope to publish this newsletter at the end of fall 2016.

We are asking for your participation to share your experiences in this newsletter with all of our subscribers throughout the world and in the UNESCO network.

We know that here, and around the world, are stories of people who share their passion with students who have the curiosity, will to learn, and desire to make the effort and persevere to complete their study projects in prison and/or on parole.

We are working on a newsletter entirely devoted to the stories and testimonies of learning in prison.

We are asking you, male and female students who’ve had the chance to experience a turning point in education, such as meeting a life-altering teacher. You can tell us what you learned, your successes, what appeared impossible at first, what you continue to learn despite obstacles, problems, etc.

This invitation is also for you, teachers and instructors in prison, who teach and help students in their learning journey.

We truly believe that your experiences deserve to be heard and shared.

You can do this alone or in a group, in the form of a story, poem, slam, comic books, etc. We ask that you express your experience with a maximum of two pages, or 600 words. You may submit your text in any language, and if possible, in French or English.


How to participate

Participants: Teachers – Students

Number of pages: No minimum word count – Maximum 2 pages or 600 words

Type of presentation: Poem, painting, sculpture, video, song, picture, photo novel, Collective creation, text, etc.

Testimony Submission: Monday, November 7, 2016

Deadline Send by e-mail

educare@collegemv.qc.ca or
