A first agreement of four years was made in December 2010 between the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the Cégep Marie-Victorin. This made it possible for the first UNESCO Chair dedicated to education in prison to see the light amidst a network of Chairs at the international level; this was also the only Chair awarded to a post-secondary institution (pre-university). From the beginning, the UNESCO Chair has worked on the various steps needed to carry out its mission and achieve its goals with the contribution of the members of its steering and scientific committees.
We are happy to announce that the Cégep Marie-Victorin’s UNESCO Chair in Applied Research for Education in Prison has been renewed for a second mandate of four years (2015-2019).
During this period, we will carry out our mission to promote, stimulate, and encourage research associated with the various aspects of education in prison, and increase our reflections about and actions on the subject at the international level. This bulletin gives information on the varied national and international projects that we are working on, as well as the ones with which the UNESCO Chair is connected.
We would like to thank the following for their support in the renewal of our second mandate: the UNESCO education sector in Paris; the Canadian Commission for UNESCO (CCU), particularly Ms. Louise Filiatrault, the CCU’s general secretary; and Program Officer-Education Ms. Elisabeth Barot.